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Lean Library Librarians Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - On hold
Categories Alternatives
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 31, 2023

Identifying Lean Library Alternative API calls

Request from: Nanyang Technological University (Sean)

Original report:

I understand that Lean Library calls the open url link resolver to check what we have.

The issue we have right now is that it seems the calls that it makes does not contain sufficient information to be used in our final reporting.

For example, these are the calls that are likely from Lean Library: in Human Geography&rft.aufirst=L&rft.issue=4&rft.aulast=Pulido&vid=65NTU_INST:65NTU_INST&institution=65NTU_INST&url_ver=Z39.88-2004& of race and ethnicity II: Environmental racism, racial capitalism and state-sanctioned violence&rft.title=Progress in Human Geography

And these are the calls made by other sources: '13&rft_id=info:doi/10.1145/2488388.2488429&rfr_id=info:sid/ of the 22nd international conference on world wide web&rft.genre=proceeding&rft.pages=459-470&vid=65NTU_INST:65NTU_INST&, Daniel&rft_dat=<acm>2488429</acm>,language=en&rft.atitle=The cost of annoying ads Netherlands&rft_id=info:doi/10.1111/lands.12408&rfr_id=info:sid/ of labor and society&rft.genre=article&rft.issue=2&rft.pages=461-475&vid=65NTU_INST:65NTU_INST&, Jenny&rft_dat=<brill>10_1111_lands_12408</brill>,language=en&rft.atitle=State and labor in China, 1978–2018&rft.eissn=2471-4607

Could you ensure the source field rfr_id is set whenever Lean Library makes calls? Because since it’s not set, our reports show that the source is Unknown.

Please see here for more info:

Suggested solution by the client:

Could you ensure the source field rfr_id is set whenever Lean Library makes calls? Because since it’s not set, our reports show that the source is Unknown.

Explanation from LL:

Client wanted the Alternative API calls from Lean Library can be identified, so they can see from their reports how many API calls came from LL.


Added Ref ID but it did not work for the client.

Hi Clare,

I’ve added RFR_ID on 30 May. So by right in June we should expect all lean library sources to have the value LeanLibrary. But we found that it’s not the case for some still. See below.

I've checked several examples from June of calls that are coming in with an unknown source.
From what I can see, they are coming from Amazon-owned IPs, for example: - most common IP

Here is a sample log from a request from 13/06/2023:
The request:
The log: "" - - [13/Jun/2023:07:40:14 +0000] GET //view/uresolver/65NTU_INST/openurl-NIE?svc_dat=CTO&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft.isbn=0000015857 HTTP/1.1 200 2084 55 0.055 http-bio-exec-39 - "GuzzleHttp/6.3.3 curl/7.58.0 PHP/" 12 14 2 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 openurl 1295 0 Pm9c95JszH - \"\"

The first IP is under Lean Library so how can we ensure that these requests are tagged with LeanLibrary?

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